Field of Interest
- Community and economic development
- Social inclusion and justice
Target Population
- People with a disability, illness or disease
- People experiencing socio-economic disadvantage or vulnerability
Enabled.vip is a charitable, novel and national online capacity-building service to assist Australians with disability to establish some form of business (whether a small business, a gig-based service or a monetised hobby/craft). We are a disability led and guided not-for-profit disability service. The majority of the team have lived experience. The rest are family members, carers or old friends of Australians with disability. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ee3IvT3PHA and https://www.linkedin.com/company/enabledvip for more.
We offer a disruptive alternative to the national conversation about disability and disability employment in Australia.
Too often, Australians with disability are expected to give up their expertise, insight and time for free. This is disrespectful and unjust. “Can I pick your brains over coffee?” is unacceptable. This is something that we have been assisting our participants to deal with.
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