International Social Service Australia
Field of Interest
- Health/wellbeing and medical research
- Individual/family services and support
Target Population
- General population
ISS Australia is an independent Australian NGO providing intercountry casework services to families and children in Australia who are separated by international borders.
As the independent Australian arm of the International Social Service (ISS) network, we partner with around 140 other ISS organisations around the world.
A child’s safety and wellbeing is at the heart of everything ISS Australia does. Our specialist lawyers and social workers protect children and support their right to care and a safe, connected family life. ISS Australia has unique expertise in resolving complex international child welfare cases and providing intercountry family services to children and families in Australia separated by international borders. We ensure children are cared for and protected. Where possible and appropriate, we reunite them with their families.
Our services include:
– Assistance for families experiencing international parental child abduction
– International child welfare and kinship care
– International post adoption tracing and reunification
– International family mediation
– Family tracing and reunification
– Child consultation and other services where appropriate for children and families separated by international borders
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