Vocational Training South East Asia (VTSEA) is working with DNA Training Solutions, the Hau Giang Provincial Centre for Vocational Training and Job Promotion and Activity International, to deliver a horticultural course equivalent to the Australian Certificate 2 to 90 disadvantaged students over 3 years (30 students each year) in the Hau Giang province of Vietnam. ...
Vocational Training South East Asia
Horticulture Training Vietnam

Field of Interest
- Education/training and employment
- International aid and development
Target Population
- People experiencing socio-economic disadvantage or vulnerability
- Unemployed people

Vocational Training South East Asia (VTSEA) is a not-for-profit organisation that brokers support from governments, education bodies and the private sector to deliver trade-based training and to seek out employment opportunities for disadvantaged people in southeast Asia.
Our objective is the alleviation of poverty and distress of people, particularly young people in south-east Asia by educating such disadvantaged people in necessitous circumstances in trade-based skills including horticulture, and then to find them employment so they can escape their poverty, distress, and necessitous circumstances.
Project Summary
Vocational Training South East Asia (VTSEA) is working with DNA Training Solutions, the Hau Giang Provincial Centre for Vocational Training and Job Promotion and Activity International, to deliver a horticultural course equivalent to the Australian Certificate 2 to 90 disadvantaged students over 3 years (30 students each year) in the Hau Giang province of Vietnam. We will then support students to find employment.
VTSEA will coordinate the project stakeholders, as well as lobbying governments and the private sector for the much-needed funds to help pay for this project. Beyond this, VTSEA will be working with all project stakeholders and the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs in Vietnam to gain accreditation for the horticulture course in the future; DNA Training Solutions will be providing the teachers and the teaching resources to deliver a horticulture course over an 12-month time frame; The Hau Giang Provincial Centre for Vocational Training and Job Promotion will be providing the classrooms, internet, a large TV monitor, accommodation, local transport for teachers and students, and facilitating student government loans; Activity International will be providing quality project management in Hau Giang including translation, English classes, student management, and government liaison.
Project Outcomes
We expect to teach 30 students each year over 3 years (90 students in total) a horticulture course equivalent to the Australian Certificate 2 in Horticulture. The students will be taught remotely via Skype from Australia into a dedicated classroom located in the Hau Giang Provincial Centre. The course is bilingual and there is a translator in the classroom. We have beta tested this training approach with 8 students in DaNang with great success. Two teachers will visit the students at the beginning, middle and end of each year.
The emerging skills will be assessed in the middle of the course and the completed skills will be assessed at the end of the year when the students will be deemed competent or not. The competent students will then be placed in employment.
Budget Breakdown
TOTAL BUDGET: $1,100,000
Funding source | Amount |
Austrade (unconfirmed) | $200,000 |
Vietnamese Government (unconfirmed) | $200,000 |
Vietnamese Community Victorian Chapter (unconfirmed) | $100,000 |
Rotary (unconfirmed) | $100,000 |
Private Sector (unconfirmed) | $100,000 |
Gardenridge Clients (unconfirmed) | $100,000 |
Students (unconfirmed) | $100,000 |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $200,000 |
Expense item | Amount |
DNA Set up costs in first year | $50,000 |
DNA teaching costs over 3 years | $600,000 |
VTSEA costs over 3 years | $150,000 |
4 Vietnamese staff over 3 years | $300,000 |
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