We are seeking funds to update office technology to enable us to carry out our work effectively. We require two new computers and funds to facilitate servicing of our three printers, which have been donated to our organisation. We have just employed a permanent part time social media/graphic design manager, this role will require current ...
The Child Protection Foundation
Office Technology Upgrade

Field of Interest
- Community and economic development
- Education/training and employment
Target Population
- General population
- Young people (6-25)

The Child Protection Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the eradication of child abuse in our society. The Foundations main focus is on reducing the incidence and damaging effects of child abuse in New South Wales through special education initiatives for students in primary and secondary schools. The Foundation also offers an information service to the wider community for the prevention of child abuse and promotion of child protection.
Project Summary
We are seeking funds to update office technology to enable us to carry out our work effectively. We require two new computers and funds to facilitate servicing of our three printers, which have been donated to our organisation. We have just employed a permanent part time social media/graphic design manager, this role will require current technology to perform the duties required.
The funds will purchase one laptop for this role and the second laptop for our accounts department to replace the 12 year old PC they are currently using.
Project Outcomes
The project will see the reinvention and relaunch of The Child Protection Foundation Ltd across the country, with a new corporate image, website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok presence. The ability to create and print quality resources in-house will save us thousands of dollars in printing costs. This saving will therefore enable us to provide new printed material for distribution to schools across NSW, both metro and regional, on protective behaviours for children in infants, primary and secondary school age groups. This upgrade will enable us to work with other state education departments to tailor resources for their education requirements. Finally, the new laptops will also allow us to enhance our multimedia capabilities with video and audio recording and streaming capabilities.
Budget Breakdown
Funding source | Amount |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $10,000 |
Expense item | Amount |
2 x New Dell Inspiron 16 2 in 1 Computers | $5,175 |
Service of HP5550dn Printer | $2,575 |
Service of OKI C810dn Printer | $1,350 |
Service of OKI MFC562n Printer | $900 |
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