The Here For Good Foundation

Preventative and Data Driven Measures to reduce the incidence of domestic violence in Australia

Preventative and Data Driven Measures to reduce the incidence of domestic violence in Australia

The Here for Good Foundation is in the process of creating an ambitious and sophisticated data model with a supporting social framework to help cast light in the areas of prevention. Using a broad spectrum of data points to better inform key stakeholders as to when the risk a domestic violence incident increases beyond our ...



Australia > National / Multi-state > Metro and Regional
01/01/2024 > 22/01/2025

Field of Interest

  • Community and economic development
  • Social inclusion and justice

Target Population

  • Women and girls
  • General population
The Here For Good Foundation The Here For Good Foundation

Our charity is fed up with the state of domestic and gendered violence. We are concerned about the division in our society and the urgent need to address the problem and then heal our community.

We stand by our core beliefs of:
- Unity through community
- Power through education
- Break the cycle

Our mission is to proactively contribute to the reduction of the impact and occurrence of domestic and family violence across Australia by creating meaningful change in preventative assessments, celebration of those individuals who share the same values and passion for improving our community and facilitating the ongoing reliable education on the true impact of domestic violence on our society.

Our specific and funded programs include the 'Hunt for a Hero' that is a peer to peer awards scheme that allows those individuals who are individually making a difference.

Our more ambitious program is to complete and launch our data driven preventative framework to address the behaviors that create a social climate that allows DV and broader violence to occur.

Project Summary

The Here for Good Foundation is in the process of creating an ambitious and sophisticated data model with a supporting social framework to help cast light in the areas of prevention. Using a broad spectrum of data points to better inform key stakeholders as to when the risk a domestic violence incident increases beyond our accepted threshold will we be able to offer insight and create confidence to initiate an intervention strategy.

It is proposed this data model will be led by two qualified research scientists who will further develop the hypothesis that there are clear social triggers and indicators that exist within society and using the power of open data, AI and social sciences we will be able to present a real time view/dashboard as to the likelihood of a DV occurrence happening.

Play if banks are able to predict the likelihood of someone defaulting on a car loan we can use this same approach to predict the likelihood of someone experiencing domestic violence.
This model has a three tiered DV Reconciliation Act Framework that organisations can sign up to and play their part in creating an atmosphere where women a genuinely treated with respect and we can all stretch ourselves to go beyond compliance.

Our goal is to take a rational data driven approach along with clear standards of acceptable behaviours in the workplace and use these two instruments to present a formidable call to action using the broad people power of large organisations across Australia.

Project Outcomes

Our project has a clear set of goals to ultimately provide two powerful instruments in the specific areas of prevention of domestic violence.

We will be using a data driven approach and use empirical data to establish a credible view of hot spots, occurrence rates and the social impact. Overtime, we aim for this measurement driven approach to inform policy makers, politicians and funding bodies right through to enforcement groups and crisis teams.

Despite being passionate about preventing and reducing the right of domestic violence we acknowledge that we need to unite our community with high quality data so as to measure the impact overtime.

Ideally the output from our project can be shared with universities and key decision making groups within society to produce their own that are beneficial to their part of the sector e.g. high risk communities will be able to use our data models to develop a baseline of occurrence rates of domestic violence in their communities and over time, use this to measure the impact of their own programs.

Budget Breakdown

TOTAL BUDGET: $370,000
Funding source Amount
Fundraising with business (unconfirmed) $50,000
Donations pledged over the year (unconfirmed) $30,000
Grants - SA DV (unconfirmed) $25,000
Small Business Grants (unconfirmed) $15,000
Funding gap (unconfirmed) $250,000
Expense item Amount
Research Scientist 1 $170,000
Research Scientist 2 $130,000
Computing Access $10,000
Housing and Sundries $15,000
Marketing and Communications $35,000
Insurance $5,000
Accountant Overhead $5,000

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Contact Us
Level 6, 126 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants and Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live, learn and work. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.

Australian Communities Foundation is a proudly inclusive organisation and an ally of LGBTQIA+ communities and the movement toward equality.