We are starting a new Preschool Service at Somerton. As a not-for-profit costs are high, so we are seeking support to purchase resources to start this preschool Service. We will not receive funding from Department of Education until we start operating, and then we will only receive funding for ongoing operating costs, so there is ...
Ooranga Family Mobile Resource Unit Assoc Inc
Start-up Support for Somerton Preschool

Field of Interest
- Education/training and employment
Target Population
- General population
- Early years (0-5)
Ooranga operates preschool and playgroup programs in rural and geographically isolated communities in Northwest NSW. Ooranga's mission is to support individual child development through the provision of high-quality programs within their local community. Many children would not be able to access any early learning and care programs without Ooranga being present within their community. Many families living in rural areas face so many challenges which effect the whole family.
We deliver preschool programs where families contribute to the program. The continuity between home and early learning can greatly enhance a child's and development because everyone is working towards the same vision for their child.
Our Playgroup program goes to 13 different communities across a fortnight we we currently have 200 families accessing this service each fortnight. Our playgroup session provide both creative and structured learning activities for young children. Our playgroups enable parents and carers to spend quality time with their children while developing their own social networks in their community, making friends and sharing ideas and experiences. Our playgroups also provide a link between families and other health and community services and provide a solid base for the development and maintenance of strong and resilient communities.
We create access and equity for all children living in rural areas, where they would not have any other provision to be able to access these services. All children have the right to a high-quality early childhood education no matter where they live, and this is our mission here at Ooranga.
Ooranga FMRU is a not-for-profit charitable organisation. Our staff spend long days travelling around to run programs within these rural communities. We are always looking at ways to support the provision of our program by seeking donations for resources which support our staff to deliver high quality early childhood programs.
Project Summary
We are starting a new Preschool Service at Somerton. As a not-for-profit costs are high, so we are seeking support to purchase resources to start this preschool Service.
We will not receive funding from Department of Education until we start operating, and then we will only receive funding for ongoing operating costs, so there is little or no money to help with setting up this venue.
This community does not have access to any early learning and care programs, and preschool aged children travel 30-60 minutes to larger towns to access these programs, with some families not having the financial backing to support their children, so they miss out. We want to create access for every child living in and around this small community.
This program will run 2 days a week during the NSW School Term. We are seeking support for resources, equipment, fencing, heating & air conditioning, storage sheds, among other start-up costs.
Project Outcomes
Our goal is to support every child in this community and outlying areas to have access to a high-quality early learning and care program without travelling long distances to access this.
Children grow and prosper within their local community, and this sense of belonging is one of the key components of our service delivery.
We want children to be successfully able to enter the school system confidently with all the skills they need to transition in with success. Getting children ready for school is an important milestone for children at preschool and it requires a strong foundation to help them start this amazing journey within their own local community.
Budget Breakdown
Funding source | Amount |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $2,500 |
Expense item | Amount |
Educational resources | $2,500 |
Support Ooranga Family Mobile Resource Unit Assoc Inc
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