Over the last five years the Commons Library has become crucial capacity building infrastructure for people engaged in social change. The site receives over 10,000 visitors per week from all around the world. Organisations working on a myriad of social and environmental justice issues access the Commons regularly to inform their campaigns, lobbying and communications, ...
Commons Library Limited
Sustain the Commons Library to Empower Advocacy

Field of Interest
- Civic engagement and leadership
- Education/training and employment
Target Population
- General population

The Commons Social Change Library is an online collection of free educational resources on campaign strategy, community organising, digital campaigning, communications and media, working effectively in groups, fundraising, diversity and inclusion and much more.
We collect, curate and distribute the key lessons and resources of progressive movements around Australia and across the globe. Our collection includes over 1000 articles, videos, podcasts, manuals, case studies, practical guides, and training materials.
People working towards social and ecological justice tend to be extremely busy with limited financial resources. It is hard to find the time to track down information or develop skills while they are responding to big challenges. The Commons supports their important work by making information quickly accessible.
The Commons Library enables people to:
- Access best practice examples and understand new trends in social change work.
- Pick up concepts, skills and tools to apply to their own projects.
- Avoid reinventing the wheel, enabling learning from the past and countering knowledge loss through turnover.
- Share across movements and sectors, ensuring knowledge isn’t siloed, innovation can spread, and collaboration is supported.
We have completed many successful projects but this proposal is focused on core funding for essential operations.
Achievements from the first five years of the Commons Library are outlined in the attached PDF: What the Commons has Achieved in 5 Years.
‘From comprehensive resources to expert advice, the Commons is making an enormous impact. It’s my go-to recommendation to anyone needing help, resources or inspiration for their next campaign.’ - Justin Whelan, Renewable energy campaigner
Project Summary
Over the last five years the Commons Library has become crucial capacity building infrastructure for people engaged in social change. The site receives over 10,000 visitors per week from all around the world. Organisations working on a myriad of social and environmental justice issues access the Commons regularly to inform their campaigns, lobbying and communications, and to skill up their staff and volunteers.
In addition to the library the Commons team carries out projects including the Movement Monitor research project (measuring the impact of the Australian climate movement); the Making Advocacy Accessible project (highlighting disability inclusion and justice); and the Commons Conversations podcast (featuring interviews with talented and insightful campaigners).
Our task now is to secure the future of the Commons Library. The last five years have proven the importance of this institution, now resources are required for the next five years and beyond. We invite Australian funders to make contributions to the core operations of the Commons and to consider recurrent support.
With your support we will continue our crucial work of gathering, curating and distributing educational resources related to social change, free of charge to the Australian public.
In addition we will:
– Launch a guest curator program highlighting educational resources and campaign lessons from communities of colour
– Produce short videos to promote important tools
– Produce email courses to address the need for quick and easy learning amongst time pressured advocates
– Participate in community events and conferences, to source content and raise awareness of our services.
Project Outcomes
The aim of all Commons Library activities is to make social change efforts smarter and stronger. By sharing our resources we support the effective operation of groups engaged in progressive social change.
Core funding enables the Commons staff to:
- Track social movement needs
- Source and develop educational materials
- Liaise with contributors and partner organisations
- Share new resources through social media and a regular email newsletter
- Coordinate volunteers
- Maintain the website as a crucial piece of civil society infrastructure enabling and empowering community action and democratic participation
Specific measurable outcomes include:
- Overall increase in the number of resources in the Commons Library and the numbers of visitors to the site.
- Number of resources prepared by guest curators
- Number of new videos and email courses
- Number of resources sourced from events
- Testimonials from satisfied library visitors around the country.
‘Supporting the Commons is investing in a future of more effective social change making, not just for any one cause, but for all causes.’ Winnifred Louis, Professor of Social Psychology
Budget Breakdown
Funding source | Amount |
Donors | $23,000 |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $37,000 |
Expense item | Amount |
Commons Librarian part-time wages | $40,900 |
Content costs - payment of curators & contributors | $4,000 |
Website maintenance | $2,000 |
Computer equipment | $4,000 |
Marketing and promotion | $1,000 |
Conference registration costs | $1,200 |
Conference flights and per diems | $1,400 |
Consultants and contractors | $2,000 |
Administration | $3,500 |
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