The Edmund Rice Centre WA (ERC) is an independent incorporated organisation that is overseen by a board of management with strict governance and financial management. We currently employ a senior management team of three, 10 programme co-ordinators, 17 part-time staff and over 40 active volunteers, many of whom have worked with the Centre for a ...
Edmund Rice Centre
Valuing our volunteers

Field of Interest
- Education/training and employment
- Individual/family services and support
Target Population
- Asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and people from CALD backgrounds
- People experiencing socio-economic disadvantage or vulnerability

Established in 1998, The Edmund Rice Centre WA provides essential settlement services and community education activities in the northern suburbs of Perth, ERC has on-going commitment to assisting people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, with a focus on young people and youth leadership as a way of ensuring a positive future for all. ERC runs programs that support people integrating into the community with settlement services. These programs facilitate access to mainstream services and support successful settlement.
The activities covered by the programs include casework, advocacy and referral, information sessions and active workshops.
We offer support with: Immigration and citizenship information, Finances and income support, Employment, education and training, Housing and tenancy, Health Care, Family Issues, Legal and Police matters.
ERC provides many educational services that help people integrate into the community, English classes, computing skills, driving programs to help individuals gain independence and become responsible community members.
One major program is called the Language for Living program, it supplements the 510 hours of tuition that are provided by the government when migrants and refugees arrive in Australia.
The program is based on the functional needs of the participants i.e. what they need for living in Australia.
Our students come from 116 countries and most are women in the 40 to 60-year-old age group
Our Youth programs provide one-to-one casework, mentoring, tutoring and support to young people to assist them to develop achievable pathways to further education and training, and to become employment ready, as well as sporting and social groups for community engagement.
ERCWA’s Coaching and Officiating program began in 2008 with the launch of the ERCWA Coaching Academy. In the years since, over 200 young coaches have been accredited and active as volunteers across the ERCWA Youth Programs.
In 2017, the ERCWA AFL Umpiring Academy was launched by Brenda Amito, the first of its kind in the country. Brenda would go on to win the WA Young Person of the Year 2019.
Our Coaching and Officiating Program accredits young coaches and officials, enabling them to give back to the community, as well as building their resilience and strategic thinking and providing them with employment opportunities.
Everyone is treated with respect and dignity, ERC is a safe place for all.
Project Summary
The Edmund Rice Centre WA (ERC) is an independent incorporated organisation that is overseen by a board of management with strict governance and financial management. We currently employ a senior management team of three, 10 programme co-ordinators, 17 part-time staff and over 40 active volunteers, many of whom have worked with the Centre for a long period of time. ERC engages many volunteers to make everything happen, with volunteers providing about 67,000 hours of service a year.
As all our funding goes directly to the programs we provide, there is no funding left to provide a thank you for our volunteers.
We are seeking support to run two events to thank our volunteers this year; a high tea for international volunteers day and an end of year brunch. Each event would only need $500 to make it happen so we are reaching out for funding so we can thank our many volunteers, some of whom have been volunteering their time for over 20 years.
Project Outcomes
Showing gratitude to volunteers is proven to promote volunteer retention and morale. ERC relies on the work of volunteers to provide many of its programs so ensuring volunteer know they are appreciated goes a long way to ensure they continue, and to encourage more volunteers to join.
Budget Breakdown
Funding source | Amount |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $1,000 |
Expense item | Amount |
Catering and venue | $1,000 |
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