Annual Report 2022/23

Impact Fund

Annual Report 2022/23

Impact Fund

Image: The Impact Fund supported Willum Warrain in 2023 to host community forums with Rueben Berg, Co-Chair, First People’s Assembly of Victoria (left).

Giving Together

The Impact Fund is our flagship fund tackling the most pressing issues facing our country through best-practice collective giving.

Backed by a growing community of funders, the Impact Fund identifies and supports the boldest solutions to issues across four Impact Areas.


Tackling Inequality
Safeguarding the Environment
Supporting First Nations Self-Determination
Strengthening Democracy

Learn more: Impact Fund (new tab)

How it works

1. Identifying opportunities for change

We work with community and civil society experts to identify priority issues and windows of opportunity for change.

2. Supporting the work

The Foundation commits funding from the Impact Fund, which is pooled with contributions from our giving community.

3. Amplifying our impact

We leverage our support by inviting others to co-fund with us, and together, we maximise our impact.

The power of giving together

SINCE 2017

$9M funds raised

150+ funders giving together

15+ positive policy reforms

IN 2022/23

$270k committed by ACF Impact Fund

$4.1M funds raised

15x funding leveraged

First Nations-led granting

Voices for Impact

For 2023, the Impact Fund community turned its focus to supporting First Nations-led efforts towards a Voice to Parliament.

Together, we raised over $2.3 million for our five Voices for Impact partners, including the ACF Rapid Response Referendum Grants Pool, which provided over $366,000 in support for 80+ community groups and grassroots organisations across the country.

First Nations Advisory Group


Founder, Deaf Indigenous Community Consultancy


Co-Chair, First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, and former ACF Director


Australian Communities Foundation Director

This work was led by our First Nations Advisory Group, established in 2022 to oversee grants from the Impact Fund in the First Nations Self-Determination impact area, as well as advise on other elements of the Foundation’s work in supporting First Nations communities.

The Australian Communities Foundation staff and Board thank founding members, Jody Barney, Rueben Berg and Chris Croker for the experience and expertise they have brought to this work over the past 12 months.

Learn more: Voices for Impact (new tab)

Voices for Impact Partners

Uluru Dialogue
Indigenous Law Centre UNSW

Passing the Message Stick
Australian Progress + GetUp

Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition

Write Yes

Rapid Response Referendum Grants Pool
Australian Communities Foundation


Australian Communities Foundation also supported the movement through the Yes Alliance Capacity Fund (in partnership with Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition) and the First Nations Referendum Grant Round (in partnership with GetUp and Australian Progress), which respectively distributed $550,000 and $128,000 to organisations and community groups across the country.

Become an Impact Funder

Give through the Impact Fund and join a national movement of 150+ funders and changemakers creating a fairer Australia.

You can either contribute directly or give alongside the Impact Fund through your own Fund or Foundation. Contact our team to get involved: 03 9412 0412 or email

Jake, Bec and Adam Milgrom from the Tripple Fund a range of projects through the Impact Fund, including the Dhadjowa Foundation, the Economic Media Centre and the Our Islands Our Home campaign.

Annual Report 2022/23

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