Annual Report 2022/23

Progress on our Strategy

Annual Report 2022/23

Progress on our Strategy

Creating a fairer Australia

This year, the Foundation launched its 2023-25 Strategy and took significant steps forward for a fairer and more sustainable Australia.

Activating a nation of givers

One of our key roles at Australian Communities Foundation is to introduce individuals, families, corporates and other groups to the joys of structured giving.

In 2022/23, we welcomed 150+ givers through 70 new funds and foundations.

We’re continuing to help grow giving in Australia by making philanthropy easy and accessible. Go back to Our Community to learn about the people who give through Australian Communities Foundation.

Members of our giving community at the Voices for Impact event in April 2023.

Investing for impact

In 2022/23, we were named a Responsible Investment Leader by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia for the second year in a row.

Furthering our commitment to impact investing, we announced our fifth impact investment this year with For Purpose Investment Partners to help finance specialist disability accommodation, social housing, mental health services and aged care.


As part of our ethical approach to investing, the Foundation actively contributes to positive social and environmental outcomes through impact investments aligned with our Impact Areas. Learn more (new tab)

Side by Side Social Impact Bond


Investing in educational programs to improve the engagement and learning outcomes of young students.

Infradebt Ethical Fund


Investing in new solar and wind energy infrastructure.

Conscious Social Housing Fund


Investing in social and affordable housing for Victorians in need.

For Purpose Impact Partners


Investing in specialist disability accommodation, social housing, mental health, aged care and Vocational Education and Training.

Our partnership with Paul Ramsay Foundation saw the distribution of $22 million to communities through targeted grant rounds, including the Specialist DFV Programs National Grant Round.

Supporting, enabling and amplifying impact

Over the past 12 months, we have designed a range of exciting solutions for clients through ACF Advisory, including structures and support for corporate organisations.

Our partnership with Paul Ramsay Foundation saw the distribution of $22 million to communities through three national grant rounds (Strengthening Early Years, Specialist DFV Programs and Just Futures) and targeted funding in response to floods and Covid-19. Since 2021, the partnership has committed over $36.5 million through grant rounds overseen by ACF.

Our Private Foundation packages also continue to be a popular option with a 60 per cent growth in clients this year.

Go back to Our Impact for a summary of ACF Advisory in 2022/23.

Building our culture, capability and sustainability

The ACF Team at a strategy planning day in November 2023.

This year saw the Foundation complete and implement its first organisation-wide People and Culture Plan, with our human resources capability brought in-house for the first time.

The Foundation continues to meet its aspirations to increase diversity, equity and inclusion at both staff and Board level. Over the past 12 months, this has included a particular focus on formalising our long-standing commitment to supporting First Nations justice through the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan. This work is being led by a cross-team working group in close consultation with our First Nations Advisory Group.

Our team also participated in cultural education training with Gunditjmara man and former ACF Director Rueben Berg. Our annual staff survey through external provider, Great Place to Work, found that 100 per cent of our team thinks the Foundation is a great place to work and is proud to work here.

The ACF Team at a strategy planning day in November 2023.
Supported by the ACF Impact Fund since 2018, Renew’s campaign for increased energy standards in Australian homes achieved significant policy reform in 2022. Read the story

Advancing social, environmental and cultural justice

In 2022/23, we continued to make a difference across our five key focus areas.

We saw significant growth for our two largest focus areas with $18.8 million going towards Tackling Inequality (84% increase on last year) and $12.6 million to Supporting First Nations Communities (380% increase). Our support for democracy initiatives and the arts were up from last year as well.

Across the year, our calendar of events and Learning Circles attracted over 600 attendees, who came together to hear from organisations leading work across our focus areas.

This year also saw the establishment of our First Nations Advisory Group to oversee grants from the Impact Fund and advise on other elements of the Foundation’s work in supporting First Nations communities.

As part of our work in this area, the Foundation also joined an alliance of over thirty of Australia’s leading funders to pledge a combined $17 million in support of First Nations efforts towards a Voice to Parliament.

Go back to Our Impact to learn more about our giving in 2022/23.

Annual Report 2022/23

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