Annual Report 2021/22

Progress On Our Strategy

Annual Report 2021/22

Progress On Our Strategy

Creating a fairer Australia

In 2021/22, the Foundation took significant steps forward across the five pillars of our strategy for a fairer and more sustainable Australia.

Activating a nation of givers

One of our key roles at Australian Communities Foundation is to introduce individuals, families and groups to the joys of giving and to help them support the causes they care about most.

Over the past 12 months, we welcomed 100+ givers to our community through the establishment of 74 new funds and foundations.

We’re continuing to help grow giving in Australia by making philanthropy easy and accessible.

Go back to Our Community to learn more about the people who give through Australian Communities Foundation.

Australian Communities Foundation supports over 1,000 everyday Australians to support the causes they care about most.
Asia Pacific Network of Refugees (of the Global Refugee-Led Network) was supported by the Impact Fund community in 2021/22.

Advancing social, environmental and cultural justice

Together with our giving community, partners and the broader philanthropic sector, we play a key role in helping to create a fairer and more sustainable Australia.

In 2021/22, we continued to contribute to progress in Australia across our five key focus areas. We saw significant growth for our largest focus area with $10.2 million going towards Tackling Inequality (up from $6.1 million in 2020/21). Our support for the environment, Indigenous communities, democracy, and arts and culture were all up from last year as well.

Across the year, over 350 people attended our calendar of events and Learning Circles to hear from organisations leading work across our focus areas.

With 2022 being the fifth anniversary of the Impact Fund, we published our first report on the achievements of the Fund, Making Change Together, and raised another $1.6 million for changemakers working on the biggest issues facing Australians.

Go back to Our Impact to learn more about our giving in 2021/22.

Investing for impact

After successfully transitioning 100 per cent of our portfolio to responsible investments in 2021, we have continued to demonstrate the value of taking a whole-of-organisation view around impact.

In recognition of our work in this space, we were the only public charitable foundation named a Responsible Investment Leader 2021 by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA). We have since been named an RIAA Leader for the second year running.

We measure the impact of our portfolio by assessing whether our investments: Act to Avoid Harm (A), Benefit Society (B) or Contribute to Solutions (C). Take a look at how our portfolio has transitioned since 2020 to deliver greater impact.


As part of our ethical approach to investing, the Foundation actively contributes to positive social and environmental outcomes through impact investments aligned with our Impact Areas. Learn more

Side by Side Social Impact Bond


Investing in educational programs to improve the engagement and learning outcomes of young students.

Infradebt Ethical Fund


Investing in new solar and wind energy infrastructure.

Conscious Social Housing Fund


Investing in social and affordable housing for Victorians in need.

Investible Climate-Tech Fund


Investing in climate technology for a low-carbon future. FY23 investment.

Foundation SA is Australia’s first new community foundation in five years, supporting South Australians to give to their local community.

Supporting, enabling and amplifying impact

As one of Australia’s largest charitable foundations, we continued to leverage our infrastructure this year through our Foundation Support Services.

Following our partnership with The Wyatt Trust to design and establish Foundation SA, the new community foundation has exceeded all expectations in its first 12 months with Australian Communities Foundation providing backend support for its 20+ sub-funds.

Read a recap of Foundation SA’s first year

Another key highlight this year has been our support of the Paul Ramsay Foundation’s Covid Response Surge Funding program.

Go to Our Community to learn more

Building ACF culture, capability and sustainability

Our team is proud to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

This year saw our Melbourne-based team return to the office after nearly two years of working remotely through the pandemic.

Like many organisations, we have adjusted to more flexible working arrangements and our team enjoys a strong culture of trust and connectedness. In the past year, our team has developed this culture through team activities including a staff inservice in the Yarra Ranges and a cultural education session at the Koorie Heritage Trust.

Following the launch of a new integrated system from Foundant Technologies in 2021, we continued to develop and embed the system this year, building the organisation’s capability and sustainability into the future.

Our team is proud to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Annual Report 2021/22

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