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Weenthunga Health Network Inc

Social and Emotional Wellbeing Space for First Nations Health Workforce

Social and Emotional Wellbeing Space for First Nations Health Workforce

Weenthunga is seeking financial investment to sustain and grow our Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) Space including gatherings and individual and collec...

australia > VIC > metro
01/12/2023 > 31/12/2024


  • Indigenous Communities
  • Health, wellbeing & medical research


  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • Professional workforce


Weenthunga is seeking financial investment to sustain and grow our Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) Space including gatherings and individual and collective backing for First Nations people working in health, wellbeing and healing roles.

Our members are over 250 First Nations people working across a diversity of health, wellbeing and healing roles and settings in so-called Victoria. Our SEWB Space is growing, nourishing and retaining First Nations people in their health roles. We offer access to culturally safe, trauma-informed, healing-oriented, self-determined SEWB services, including individual counselling and debriefing with a First Nations clinical psychologist. Our SEWB Space fills an unmet community need of “who provides care to the carers?”

We’ll bring together 50 First Nations people in health for a two-night retreat experience to strengthen their spirits and prevent burnout. Our staff will also provide ongoing, responsive, tailored backing to strengthen individual and collective SEWB and provide responsive assistance where stress and crisis presents.


First Nations health professionals accessing the SEWB Space will experience:
• Improved individual and collective social and emotional wellbeing including mental health.
• Increased prioritisation and maintenance of SEWB/mental health, taking time to “fill their cup”.
• Greater awareness and understanding of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander SEWB Framework, including how to utilise the Framework to strengthen spirit.
• Reduced risk of experiencing burnout and mental ill health, as a result of having access to First Nations counselling support and rapid response resources.

The impact of the Space will also include:
• Retention of First Nations people in health roles.
• Greater uptake of health services by First Nations people due to knowledge of culturally safe health professionals and understanding access.
• Greater mental health literacy and reduced stigma/fear to engage in help seeking.

These outcomes will collectively contribute to improved experiences, care and health outcomes for First Nations people across so-called Victoria. Improved SEWB/mental health of the people engaged in this project will have a ripple effect on their families, communities, and future generations.

Profile of Weenthunga Health Network Inc

Weenthunga Health Network Inc

Weenthunga’s purpose is to uphold health sovereignty and progress health justice for First Nations people.

Their vision is people, communities and Country are healthy and thriving.

Weenthunga is growing and nourishing the First Nations health workforce and leading transformational change in health and education systems. They are a not-for-profit Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation and state-wide Network that amplifies First Nations voice and centres First Nations knowledge ways.

In addition to their SEWB Space, Weenthunga’s Nyarrn-gakgo mangkie Space provides opportunities, experiences and connections to First Nations young women in high school and beyond to back their health career aspirations, health and social and emotional wellbeing. This includes providing careers guidance and information, facilitating work experience, industry mentoring, organising cultural workshops and community gatherings, and social and emotional wellbeing support.

Weenthunga also delivers Cultural Safety and Critical Consciousness training and works to embed anti-racism in health and health education.


TOTAL BUDGET: $100,000
Funding sourceAmount
Other philanthropic funding$30,000
Funding gap (unconfirmed)$70,000
Expense itemAmount
Accomodation and venue hire$25,000
Cultural activities and wellbeing resources$10,000
Staffing and management$12,500

Support Social and Emotional Wellbeing Space for First Nations Health Workforce

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