Australian Communities Foundation receives funding proposals from a wide range of organisations through our Granting Opportunties platform. See below for this month’s granting recommendations from our Grants Team.
Are you an ACF Fundholder? Make a grant request from your Fund by contacting our Philanthropy Team on 03 9412 0412 or email

Securing Support for Australia’s Kinship Care Families Through Education and Advocacy
Kinship Alliance Australia (Auspiced by Grandcarers SA)
Kinship Alliance Australia aims to support kinship carers – providers of family-based care within the child’s extended family and friendship network – by providing information, raising awareness, and advocating for policy changes that address the unmet needs of all kinship carers and the children in their care. With this project, its ultimate goal is to establish a National Kinship Care Organisation to sustain advocacy to improve the life circumstances of all kinship care families.
What we like about this initiative
Kinship carers are currently not afforded access to government support for the essential care they provide to children. Kinship Alliance Australia is seeking funding to resource the extensive advocacy and community education it is undertaking to address the inequality experienced by kinship carers.
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Theatre Access Program for regional youth
Monkey Baa Theatre
Regional, Nationwide
Monkey Baa is an Australian theatre company empowering young people to shape their lives through creative experiences. The Theatre Access Program ensures equitable access to creative theatre experiences and the associated outcomes for young people experiencing socio-economic disadvantage.
What we like about this initiative
Arts programs are typically under-resourced in regional and rural areas but provide critical opportunities for youth social, emotional, and creative development. This program from Monkey Baa Theatre contributes to addressing this gap in arts access for regional youth. Read more

100 Project to enhance the skills and wellbeing of First Nations youth
Queensland Youth Connections Indigenous Corporation
Regional, Queensland
This Indigenous-led project is a strategic initiative designed to positively impact the lives of young Indigenous individuals, providing them with the skills, support, and connections needed for long-term success and wellbeing. The project’s training approach prioritises cultural safety by incorporating Indigenous perspectives, traditional knowledge, and community values, ensuring cultural sensitivity and respect for a safe learning experience.
What we like about this initiative
The 100 Project is a community-based initiative designed to empower First Nations Youth in Far North Queensland by providing them with the skills, support, and connections to step into adulthood with agency and self-determination. Read more

Public Policy Editor to Provide Better Information that Supports Greater Civic Engagement
The Conversation
The Conversation aims to scale the impact of its journalism by hiring a Canberra-based Public Policy Editor, who can engage closely with public service and politicians and follow discussions about policies and key issues in Parliament House. The editor would identify opportunities where The Conversation can work with academics to share research and expertise with policymakers and a wider audience, encouraging a more engaged and discerning citizenry.
What we like about this initiative
Public interest journalism is vital to a healthy democracy. The Conversation is seeking funding for a Canberra-based Public Policy Editor to follow policymaking and discussions of key issues. Read more

Safeguarding the mighty Martuwarra-Fitzroy River
Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council
Regional, WA
The Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council (MFRC) is an alliance of Elders from independent nations of the Fitzroy River Catchment in the Kimberley, WA defending against the destruction of cultural heritage, ecological damage, poverty and climate change. MFRC’s vision is to ensure Martuwarra, one of the Earth‚Äôs last great River systems is protected and continues to flow for the benefit of all present and future generations.
What we like about this initiative
Martuwarra Fitzroy River Council is an entirely First Nations-led organisation, working to protect and sustain the National Heritage-listed Martuwarra River for the cultural, social and environmental health of the Kimberley. Read more
Looking for other granting ideas? Find a wide range of funding proposals on our Granting Opportunities platform. Filter by location, focus area and target population to find a project that aligns with your funding interests.