Climate change is happening in front of our eyes.
As funders, some of us focus on the urgent need to shut down coal and gas rather than helping people at the pointy end of the climate crisis. And those of us motivated by inequality may support people over climate solutions, feeling like the latter need is too huge.
At this upcoming Learning Circle, we will discuss how supporting those living with the most severe impacts of climate change can also pave the way to preventing it from getting worse.
Join Emma Bacon, Founder of Sweltering Cities in conversation with David Ritter, CEO of Greenpeace Australia, and Professor Jane McAdam AO, Director of the Andrew and Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, UNSW.
Our guests will discuss the importance of talking and consulting with those most affected by climate change, and how we can inspire rapid climate action from those who may otherwise find it hard to relate to traditional campaigns.
By acknowledging where people are coming from, and listening to their concerns, we can design a world that makes sense in a changing climate. In turn, this work leads to climate-friendly solutions.
Our speakers are working on solutions at all levels, from the micro, such as making sure bus stops have shelters so that they are easy to use in sweltering weather, to the macro like working with Pacific nations to focus the region’s attention on where people will go as sea levels rise.
Event information
Wednesday 10 August
12:00pm – 1:30pm AEST
Community of Giving
Level 6, 126 Wellington Pde
East Melbourne VIC 3002
Guests can also join via Zoom.
This session is open to Australian Communities Foundation fundholders and our friends in the philanthropy sector. Contact us to register.