Three easy ways to donate
1. Donate online
Log in to the Fund Portal using your email address and password, go to the Donate tab and follow the prompts. Make your donation prior to 11:59 pm 30 June and we will provide a tax receipt with the current financial year date stamp.
Need help accessing the Fund Portal? Click here to be sent a link to set or reset your password (your username is your email address). If you are still having trouble accessing your account, contact us. You can always make a donation to your fund by searching for it on our Donations Portal (no login required).
2. Donate via cheque
Please make cheques out to the Australian Communities Foundation and remember to clearly identify your fund name. Cheques dated and sent prior to June 30 will be provided with a current financial year date stamp.
3. Donate via bank transfer
If you would like to make a direct deposit, please contact us below for account details. Direct deposits need to be made prior to 11:59 pm on 30 June.
EOFY granting
To ensure we have the best chance of paying your grants this financial year, June 14 is the deadline for grant requests. Submit a grant request via the Fund Portal or by emailing our Grants Team:
Looking for granting inspiration? Explore our recommended Granting Ideas for May or browse our Granting Opportunities platform.
Frequently asked questions at EOFY
See above for three ways you can donate to your Fund. Others can search for your Fund via our Donations Portal (unless you have requested for your Fund to be hidden).
If your Fund is public, you can also accept donations via our Funds & Foundations page.
When you log in to your Fund Portal, you will see Current Balance and Available Cash on the first page.
Note: ‘Available Cash’ takes into account any pending grants (i.e. not yet approved) and any committed payments for multi-year grants, as well as your Fund’s required minimum balance.
You can view a list of your receipts from the Receipts tab on the Fund Portal. To view and download a receipt, click the blue number in the ID column. This will open the receipt in your browser where you can either print or save to PDF. If you have any issues accessing your receipts, get in touch here.
You can view a list of your monthly statements from the Statements tab on the Fund Portal. To view and download a statement, click the blue View button on the right-hand side. Annual fund statements for 2023/24 will be available for download as soon as our investment managers have finalised distributions, likely by early October. We will send you an email notification when they are available.
To ensure we have the best chance of paying your grants this financial year, we ask that you submit your final FY24 grants by no later than 5pm AEST on Friday 14 June. Please note that grants can only be distributed after the grantee organisation completes and returns the required paperwork.
Contact us
If in doubt – contact us! Our team is here to help.