Victoria and NSW 2021 Covid-19 Surge Funding for Women’s Shelters
Grant round in partnership with the Paul Ramsay Foundation
From 18 October 2021, one-off grants of up to $30,000 are available to support small, locally-based women’s shelters in Victoria and NSW impacted by the extended COVID-19 lockdowns. These rapid grants are designed to help increase social capital and resilience in communities, especially among women and children experiencing DFV.
During and after emergency situations, the incidence and prevalence of domestic and family violence (DFV) increases. Under lockdown conditions, the provision of services to women and children has been constrained and disrupted. Women’s shelters provide essential emergency services to vulnerable women and children who would otherwise be trapped in abusive households or homeless.
Before you apply, read the guidelines below or download here. You can also preview the application form here.
Applications are now closed.
Eligible Services
You MUST be able to answer YES to all the following questions to apply.
- Women’s shelter impacted by the second-stage lockdowns, located in Victoria (July – Oct 2020, Aug 2021 – ongoing) or NSW (late June 2021 – ongoing).
- Your organisation’s primary focus is on supporting women and children experiencing DFV, and your services include providing accommodation to victim survivors.
- DVVic or DVNSW full member; thus feminist, trauma-informed, community-embedded service.
- ACNC DGR1 charity, with paid specialist support staff.
Funding available is limited. You do NOT need to meet all prioritisation points to apply.
Applications will be prioritised according to the pool of applicants and their needs, including:
- Women’s shelter located in area with a high proportion of COVID-19 in Victoria (July-Oct 2020, Aug 2021-ongoing) or NSW (late June 2021 – ongoing).
- Positive COVID-19 cases in clients and/or staff at women’s shelter (particularly repeat cases).
- Increased contact/demand for service support.
- Women’s shelter staffing capacity reduced due to COVID-19 impacts.
- Work with highly impacted communities including: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities; refugee, new migrant, and CALD communities; women with disability; single mothers, etc.
- What is your annual revenue of the women’s shelter (at FY21) or funded EFT staffing (at FY21)?
- Did you receive COVID-19 surge funding from the Paul Ramsay Foundation in 2020?
What can the funding be used for?
- INFRASTRUCTURE: e.g. Addressing ventilation needs in older properties to reduce transmission risk, or improvements to gardens/family rooms/children’s spaces to improve well-being, etc.
- SPECIALIST STAFFING: e.g. relief workers; specialist counsellors; clinical supervision for medium-term impacts of lockdown.
- STAFFING CAPACITY: e.g. surge increase in EFT and/or backfilling staffing due to shortages created by pandemic impacts.
- EDUCATION / WELLBEING COSTS: e.g. expenditure for social relief, children’s schooling, respite for single mothers, etc.
- TRANSPORT: e.g. untied funding to facilitate the movement of women and children to safely leave home violence, and/or relocate in emergency situations.
- This funding CANNOT be used to ‘pilot’ a new program for work that would then rely on ongoing funding to operate.
Deadline: Apply by 9am Monday 8 November 2021
Questions? Email Georgia Mathews: grants@communityfoundation.org.au