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Rapid Response Referendum Grants

National Open Grant Round

Amplifying First Nations voices for a resounding Yes

The Rapid Response Referendum Grant Round supports organisations amplifying First Nations voices for a resounding Yes in the upcoming Referendum.


With all funds for the original Rapid Response Referendum (RRR) Grant Round now allocated, we are pleased to announce the next iteration of our RRR Grants program in partnership with GetUp: the First Nations RRR Grant Round.

Learn more



All funded initiatives must elevate and amplify First Nations Voices and leadership, and enable greater accessibility of information and resources relating to efforts mobilising for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the upcoming Referendum 

The RRR Grant Round will prioritise initiatives that: 

  • are led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, or meaningfully include First Nations voices and leadership. 
  • engage diverse or hard to reach communities in the YES campaign.
  • may not otherwise have the capacity to participate in the campaign. 
  • complement and strengthen existing or ongoing initiatives in their geographic area and/or engage their intended audience. 


The RRR Grant Round supports initiatives all over Australia. Organisations and community groups from rural and remote areas are strongly encouraged to apply, and to factor in any additional expenses associated with conducting activities in these locations when making their submission. 


Funding is available to formal and informal not-for-profit entities. These include: 

  • Registered charities (DGR1 desirable as the funding pool is greater for organisations in this category) 
  • Not-for-profit companies and associations 
  • Unincorporated community groups (funds must be received by a not-for-profit organisation on a group’s behalf) 
  • Funding is not available to individuals or for-profit entities 

Use of funds

Funding can be used for any activities that contribute to the goals of the RRR Grant Round. These include but are not limited to: 

  • Events, rallies, convenings 
  • Information sessions 
  • Dissemination of information 
  • Activation of public spaces 
  • Production of materials 
  • Collaboration with other groups 
  • Operational costs associated with carrying out the above 

Funding cannot be used for: 

  • Non-charitable, partisan, retrospective, or illegal activities 
  • Dissemination of discriminatory or divisive messaging / materials 
  • Costs not associated with the delivery of aligned activities 

Grant values and timeframes

  • One-off grants of between $2,500 and $15,000 are available. 
  • Once funds are fully expended, recipients will be asked to submit a short acquittal report.  
  • It is expected that all funds will be expended prior to the referendum date.  

Additional information

Australian Communities Foundation’s First Nations Advisory Group has developed a simple and culturally appropriate application process, including clear guidelines and a transparent decision-making framework. The RRR Grant Round will enable funding to organisations with DGR1 status with some limited funds for those without.

Recognising the unique role that ACF can play through its capacity for responsive grantmaking, the RRR Grant Round exists alongside and complements the Yes Alliance Capacity Fund being overseen by Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition (AICR). The Yes Alliance Capacity Fund focuses on funding efforts that support the Yes23 campaign strategy, while the RRR Grants Pool enables funding for efforts for referendum-related campaigning more broadly. Applicants are welcome to apply for support from both funds if needed.

For more information on ACF’s broader Voices for Impact program of work, head to



Australian Communities Foundation wishes to thank the funders who made the RRR Grant Round possible through their co-contributions into the RRR Grants Pool:

Australian Indigenous Persons Initiative Fund

Ballandry (Peter Griffin Family) Fund

Beeton Family Fund

Dorrie Alcock Memorial Fund

EM Horton Family Fund

Fiona Shields Fund

Firmly Planted

JRA Support Fund

Kapscalu Rejenerative Fund

Keith and Jeanette Ince Fund

O’Shea Thompson Family Fund

Oranges & Sardines Foundation

Tass Nyungar Fund

Our principles of practice


The application process is designed to get funds where they are needed as quickly and easily as possible for those doing the work.


This grant round is a show of solidarity between ACF and those campaigning for Voice, Treaty and Truth.


We are committed to supporting First Nations justice and self-determination, including constitutional recognition of First Peoples, and we will fund on that basis.

Voices for Impact

This grant round has been made possible by the contributions of many to the Rapid Response Referendum Grants Pool as part of the Voices for Impact program.

Voices for Impact is the Impact Fund’s Large Grants Round for 2023, dedicated to supporting First Nations leaders mobilising around the Referendum for Voice.

Voices for Impact artwork: Walpa Winaka (To Burn & Leave) #8 by Wergaia/Wotjobaluk artist, Robby Wirramanda, courtesy of The Torch.

Contact Us
Level 6, 126 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002

We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants and Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live, learn and work. We pay our respects to Elders past and present.

Australian Communities Foundation is a proudly inclusive organisation and an ally of LGBTQIA+ communities and the movement toward equality.