In 2023 Australians will vote in a referendum that asks a simple question – should Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people be recognised in the Constitution through a Voice to Parliament?
At Australian Communities Foundation, we are listening closely to our First Nations advisers and working to provide you with opportunities to learn from First Nations leaders about the upcoming Referendum.
As part of this work, we will be sharing the latest resources and ways you can get involved here on our Referendum Resource Hub.
Key resources
Australian Communities Foundation Director and proud Gunditjmara man, Rueben Berg, takes a look at the different perspectives on the upcoming Referendum and shares his own.
Rapid Response Referendum Grant Round
Our Rapid Response Referendum Grant Round supports organisations amplifying First Nations voices for a resounding Yes in the upcoming Referendum.
‘Voices for Impact’ event recording
On 27 April 2023, Australian Communities Foundation hosted ‘Voices for Impact’ at The Edge in Melbourne’s Fed Square to learn from First Nations leaders working towards Voice this year.
Government resources
Official government resources on the Voice to Parliament, including animated explainer videos, a community toolkit, and the latest news.
Voices FAQS – The Conversation
10 questions about the Voice to Parliament – answered by experts in The Conversation.
Life without Barriers accessible resources
This hub offers translated resources on the Referendum in multiple languages. Life without Barriers is committed to ensuring that all Australians, regardless of language or cultural background, can access the information needed to make an informed decision in the upcoming vote.
Yes 23
Yes 23 is the home of the Yes campaign for constitutional recognition. This website is your go-to for campaign resources. You can also sign up to become a volunteer on the campaign.
Uluru Dialogue: Uluru Statement
This website from the Uluru Dialogue is a great educational resource for understanding the three pathways to justice set out in the Uluru Statement: Voice, Treaty and Truth.
Uluru Youth Dialogue Declaration
Following an historic gathering of young First Nations campaigners in July 2023, the Uluru Youth Dialogue Ambassadors released the Uluru Youth Dialogue Declaration – a call to action for Australians to join them as they work towards securing a “yes” result at the 2023 Constitutional Referendum on a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Together, Yes
Together, Yes is working to generate a huge groundswell of community support for a Voice to Parliament by people coming together and holding Kitchen Table Conversations about the central issues.
Go to website | Watch the webinar launch
Passing the Message Stick
The Passing the Message Stick website details findings from a two-year research project on best practice messaging to build public support for self-determination and justice, paving the way for long term change.
Training Course
The Uluru Dialogue and From The Heart have developed an online course that explores what is meant by Indigenous Constitutional Recognition through a Voice – and what a Voice to Parliament is, and is not.
Get involved
Contribute to the work of our ‘Voices for Impact’ partners
We’re raising $1 million for First Nations leaders mobilising around the Referendum: the Uluru Dialogue, Passing the Message Stick, and Yes23. Learn more and contribute
Host a fundraising event
Some of our fundholders are already leading their own fundraising efforts by hosting events. Australian Communities Foundation can collect and redistribute donations on your behalf, or you can fundraise directly for the groups above. Contact our Donor Services Team on 03 9412 0412 or email to discuss how we can support your own fundraising event.
As an individual
Have conversations within your community
One of the simplest and most effective ways to support the campaign is to have conversations with the people in your life. The official Guide to talking about the Voice to Parliament and other resources can support you in having these conversations.
Share your support on social media
Share your support online! Use hashtags and update your profile picture and email signatures using assets from the campaign and the Uluru Dialogue to make your support visible.
Find an event near you
All across the country, people are coming together to work towards a Yes! Find an event or volunteering opportunity to attend here.
Attend a yarning circle
The Uluru Dialogue is running yarning circles in the lead-up to referendum day through the Start a Yarn initiative. Register for a yarning circle to join an active listening session on why the Uluru Statement and a Voice to Parliament are so important. Learn more and register
Sign up as a volunteer or supporter
Sign up to volunteer with the campaign or become a host for the Together, Yes movement to support campaigning efforts.
As an organisation
Apply for a Rapid Response Referendum Grant
One-off grants of between $2,500 and $15,000 are available to organisations and community groups across Australia undertaking initiatives that amplify First Nations voices and leadership within the Yes campaign, and enable accessibility of information and resources about Voice, Treaty, Truth. Learn more and apply
Show your support on social media
Demonstrate your support using assets developed by the campaign and the Uluru Dialogue. Encourage your networks to show their support too.
Join Allies for Uluru
Join the Allies for Uluru Coalition; a movement of more than 200+ member organisations and corporations in support of Voice, Treaty, Truth.
Roll out educational resources
Share the Uluru Dialogue and From The Heart’s training course with staff, clients and networks so they can learn more about the Uluru Statement and a Voice to Parliament. From The Heart’s Explainer video series is another great educational resource.
Host an event
Many organisations around the country will be holding BBQs and similar events for supporters and those who want to learn more about Voice to come together, learn more and get more involved with the campaign. Consider running an event with your community.
Get in touch
Do you have a suggested resource for the list? Want to chat with us about how you can support the Voice?
Contact us below.