In response to this year’s challenges, Australian Communities Foundation and our community of givers are taking a long, hard look at the state of the country to find windows of opportunity for change on a national scale.
We are drawing on hope and creativity to reimagine a fairer and more sustainable Australia. Instead of simply fighting the battles we’re grappling with daily, we’re looking further ahead to reimagine what Australia could look like on the other side.
Faced with a recession, a climate emergency and systemic racism, we must find ways to do better; this is not business as usual for anyone, including philanthropy.
So, how can we work together to make change happen?
In the pursuit of our shared visions, we are launching Reimagining Australia, a program of funding through the Impact Fund.
We invite you to co-fund with us alongside our community of givers and the public, as we mobilise more than $600,000 towards our shared vision of a fairer and more sustainable Australia.
Four projects have been carefully selected for their national significance, timeliness, and potential to catalyse true, systemic change in each of the Fund’s impact areas: tackling inequality; strengthening democracy; supporting Indigenous self-determination; and safeguarding the environment.
These projects have been selected after conversations and consultations with the community to understand their priorities.
In addition, we’ve assessed collaborative opportunities between groups that could be working together to grow impact, and identified government stimulus decisions that would also tackle inequality and safeguard the environment.
We are proud to present these four funding opportunities from changemakers who are working on effective solutions for a fairer and more sustainable Australia.
Shared vision #1: Tackling inequality
An Australia where everybody has safe and stable housing
Social housing is one of the few areas where investment can address both economic and social shortcomings for long-term gains.
As we start to recover from the current crisis, investing in more and better social housing will not only address rising homelessness, but can also create thousands of jobs in construction, stimulating the economy at a time when this is sorely needed.
Let’s reimagine an Australia where everyone has a right to a roof over their head. Where well-designed and funded development enables this right. Where people and families struggling to make ends meet are not degraded or driven into poverty, but given a platform to fully participate.
Join us by supporting the changemakers working for more and better social housing.
Everybody’s Home
Investing in social and affordable housing
Shared vision #2: Strengthening democracy
An Australia with an inclusive economy
An inclusive economy is key to a strong democracy. But right now, our democratic system is undermined by vested interests and the exclusion of other voices.
The national conversation around economic justice and a strong democracy is far from balanced or diverse, compromising our ability to hold decision-makers to account.
As we start to recover from this year’s crisis, we are presented with an opportunity to bring diverse voices to the fore and campaign for a recovery that prioritises climate and social reform.
Let’s reimagine an Australia with an inclusive economy that prioritises people and planet, where people are lifted out of disadvantage and share in our country’s wealth. An economy that works for all of us, where we each contribute according to our means.
Join us by supporting the changemakers diversifying the voices shaping the narrative of our economic recovery.
Economic Media Centre
Diversifying the voices shaping our economic narrative
Shared vision #3: Supporting Indigenous self-determination
An Australia with justice for our First Peoples
Although First Nations peoples have long been leading campaigns for change, the global Black Lives Matter movement has recently brought the issues of over-incarceration and Black deaths in custody to the forefront of public consciousness.
The growing number of those with loved ones who have died at the hands of the police and the sheer number of people taking to the streets at recent protests has shown us that the flaws in our criminal justice system, and our deep colonial past must be addressed if we are going to see justice and self-determination for First Nations communities.
Let’s reimagine an Australia where we walk together, and work to understand and heal from the past. An Australia where Indigenous self-determination drives transformational change, and we collectively celebrate our progress towards First Nations justice.
Join us by supporting the changemakers working for an end to racism in our criminal justice system.
The Dhadjowa Foundation
Supporting the fight to stop Black deaths in custody
Shared vision #4: Safeguarding the environment
An Australia with a bright, sustainable future
As we start to rebuild our country from the fallout of 2020, a climate-led recovery is crucial to ensuring a bright and sustainable future.
The most recent summer of bushfires starkly revealed the devastating impact of a changing climate on our environment and communities – a warning of what’s to come unless we act now.
As we work together to recover from the bushfires and the impacts of Covid-19, we have an opportunity to make this a recovery that prioritises care for people and planet.
Let’s reimagine an Australia with a renewable future. An Australia where fossil fuels are kept in the ground. Where workers are supported in the transition to quality jobs in clean energy and manufacturing. Where respect for one another and the planet comes before profit and vested interests.
Join us by supporting the changemakers working to shift the recovery towards climate and quality jobs. Australia
Shifting the politics of the recovery towards climate and quality jobs
The Impact Fund has put $20,000 on the table for each of these projects and is now inviting contributions to meet each project’s target of $150,000.
Help us tip the scales towards positive social change at our live giving event on 22 October.