
What is giving?
Giving refers to the distribution of private resources for public benefit without receiving something in return. This is also called philanthropy. Private resources can refer to either money, time or skills.
The giving of money in particular can be achieved in many ways – through direct donations to individuals, or to a community organisation, or through a gift in your Will, known as a bequest.
Our approach to giving
If you would like to know more about how we support giving or are interested in joining us, our Ways to Give page is a great place to start.
Useful resources
The following resources have been collated by our Philanthropic Services Team as useful starting points for understanding the shape of giving in Australia.
Giving Australia
The Giving Australia 2016 report is the most recent comprehensive overview of giving in Australia. It includes data collected from individuals, charitable organisations, philanthropists and businesses in Australia, and provides critical information about giving and volunteering behaviours, attitudes and trends.
Foundation Maps: Australia
Foundation Maps: Australia is an interactive and searchable mapping platform from Australia’s peak body for giving, Philanthropy Australia. It demonstrates who is giving what and where across Australia, and can be used to identify gaps in funding.
The Support Report
Published by one of Australia’s leading wealth managers, JBWere, The Support Report analyses the changing shape of giving in Australia. The report explores how philanthropy is evolving in Australia; the types of givers and the different cause areas they support; and the need for evolution amongst recipients to continue to attract support, particularly for certain cause areas.
Snapshot of Sub-Funds in Australia
This overview of sub-funds in Australia from Swinburne University’s Centre for Social Impact details the findings of research led by philanthropy expert Krystian Siebert. It is the first-ever survey of sub-funds in Australia.
The Global Landscape of Philanthropy
The latest report on global giving from Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) – a network of about 100 philanthropy associations and support organizations in 40 countries around the world whose purpose is to strengthen, promote and provide leadership on the development of philanthropy and social investment.
Can we help you?
Contact us to learn more or get started with giving.