Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater
Field of Interest
- Community and economic development
- Environment conservation and climate change
Target Population
- Flora / fauna
- General population
Under the leadership of an inter-agency Recovery Team, we are bringing the Helmeted Honeyeater back from the brink of extinction. The number in the wild is approximately 230 today, over four times that of 14 years ago.
Our core mission is the restoration and extension of their habitat along waterways and environmental corridors to enable further growth in the number of Helmeted Honeyeaters. We have a social enterprise, an Indigenous Plant Nursery, and an active Ambassador Program in local primary schools. The Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater has received numerous awards for its innovative programs.
Our Aim:
– To protect existing habitat and plant future habitat for the Helmeted Honeyeater
– To raise awareness about the plight of the Helmeted Honeyeater and enlist broad community support for the Recovery project
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