Refugee Council of Australia
Field of Interest
- Individual/family services and support
- Social inclusion and justice
Target Population
- Asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and people from CALD backgrounds
- General population
The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA’s) core purpose is to promote the development of humane, lawful and constructive policies towards refugees and people seeking asylum. Monitoring, research and the presentation of information on issues relating to the needs of people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds is a critical element of RCOA’s core work. It forms the basis of our policy advice to members and our response to policy developments.
RCOA regularly produces research papers, policy briefs, and submissions on current issues in response to the rapidly changing policy environment. Our over 40 years of evidenced-based policy development and ethical research mean that we have built credibility among our sector.
Our members and networks rely on our research and policy analysis to inform their work. Our succinct analysis of key issues has contributed to several high level Parliamentary and Departmental meetings, both at the state and federal levels. A recent example is the formation and convening of the Parliamentary Friends of Refugees Group. We have provided research reports and direct policy briefings to the Parliamentary Group on four occasions since its inception less than two years ago.
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