The DV Collective
Field of Interest
- Housing and homelessness
- Individual/family services and support
Target Population
- Women and girls
- People experiencing or at risk of homelessness
The DV Collective supports over 120 existing DFV services including 30+ women’s shelters, case management and specialist family violence services, legal support, wrap around essential services; including material aid, safety programs, group support and programs aimed to re-build emotional and financial independence.
These are the DV Collective Members. We work with each organisation to identify gaps in funding and create projects to help build capacity. We then reach out to corporates to fund the project, donate products or volunteer – a model known as need based investing.
Our Vision –
Every woman experiencing domestic and family violence gets access to immediate support, safety, and is empowered to rebuild their lives.
Our Mission –
The DV Collective supports existing domestic and family violence services by bridging the gap between current funding and resource models and the real world needs of community based providers.
We do this by building impactful partnerships with our network of members and secure and leverage support from private, philanthropic, government and community sectors.
DV Collective partnerships build the capacity and capability of our members to support more women and children, elevate the voices of lived experience, and enable our partners to contribute to practical solutions, while challenging organisational culture and attitudes towards domestic violence.
Initially, DV Collective is focusing on supporting these existing grass-roots, front line services that receive little to no government funding. Many of these organisations are run by volunteers without the skills or resources to secure funding and support they need to upscale.
Support The DV Collective
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