This project aims to gather the information on what the barriers are to accessing appropriate supports, services and programs for women and children experiencing the trauma of Domestic Violence and Abuse beyond our fixed address. This project is a pilot that will inform us how and where to expand our offerings beyond Moss Vale in ...
Pop In Southern Highlands
Outreach to Remote Villages Pilot

Field of Interest
- Housing and homelessness
- Individual/family services and support
Target Population
- Women and girls
- People experiencing socio-economic disadvantage or vulnerability

Pop In is a hub for women and children threatened or impacted by Domestic Violence and Abuse in the Wingecarribee Shire. Our services are provided out of a renovated house in Moss Vale, where a small professional staff is supported by a team of invaluable and committed volunteers.
Pop In sets itself apart with its commitment to be a best-practice operation supporting women and children for as long they need.
Our Purpose: Supporting women navigating domestic violence lies at the centre of what we do at Pop In.
We collaborate with women and their children to help them build a life free from domestic violence, supporting them to shape a meaningful future on their own terms.
The service model of Pop In is based on the principle that women and children can enter the service at any point of their need. Our experience is the majority of women we support, initially access the service for their basic needs. Once we have met those needs and they feel safe, listened to and trust Pop In, they begin to access the full suite of services available working with our specialist case workers.
Since each woman is in a different place and proceeds at a different rate, we tailor our support to her needs. We utilise a comprehensive supportive hub that provides intensive case work and collaborates with our many partner organisations to create a network of care as we walk alongside the women and children as they navigate DFV.
Project Summary
This project aims to gather the information on what the barriers are to accessing appropriate supports, services and programs for women and children experiencing the trauma of Domestic Violence and Abuse beyond our fixed address.
This project is a pilot that will inform us how and where to expand our offerings beyond Moss Vale in the Southern Highlands of NSW to more remote, surrounding villages both in the Wingecarribee Shire and the Wollondilly Shire. This will be achieved through the employment of an additional part-time Outreach Case Worker for a pilot period of five months. Currently our services are only available in our Moss Vale premises during business hours.
Outreach to more remote, satellite communities will provide access for those who are currently excluded due to location, hours of operation, lack of access to suitable public or private transport, individual circumstances, and critically, the lack of existing services available in these communities. External data (NSW Police and Dept. of Community and Justice), indicates that the reportable DV assault rate per 100,000 is 35% higher in rural and regional communities compared to metro areas. In the Wollondilly Shire and surrounding villages it is well above the state average (18% vs 15% of reported DV assaults 2019-2023). This all occurs against the current background of limited services and support. The delivery of outreach services and programs will support increased access to services and support, increase community education and awareness and, ultimately, create safe communities.
The plans for this initiative post pilot (funded period) is to review the program and assess to determine ongoing need and success against the identified key performance indicators (listed under ‘outcomes’). If ongoing need is identified, which we suspect that there will be, we will seek additional philanthropic funding to extend and develop the program as part of our ongoing commitment to the community.
Project Outcomes
Over the 5 months of this pilot we will deliver a number of services and programmes which will provide the opportunity for multiple contacts and entry and/or referral into support services.
These services and programmes include:
- Outreach case work of approximately 10 hours per week across initially 2 locations
- Outreach Learn and Play Program of 5 hours per week, initially in 2 locations
- Community programmes e.g. Art Therapy with 2 to 3 programs being delivered over the 5 month pilot period
- Engagement with local community groups and local referral networks.
We will monitor and continuously evaluate this initiative across a range of identified key performance areas including:
- Number of participants with an increased sense of safety at conclusion of engagement
- Number of participants in Pop In programs such as case work and Learn and Play
- Number of individuals accessed via community engagement and awareness raising activities
- Number of participants with an increased sense of connection to their community and peer groups at the conclusion of engagement
- Number of referrals to external services and the number of participants with increased confidence to deal with future challenges both individually and as a parent at the conclusion of their engagement with the program(s).
We will be tracking these results via our in-house data collection processes and the ongoing University of Wollongong external evaluation. The results gathered from the data collection and ongoing evaluation from University of Wollongong will be used to refine existing programs to ensure that they are meeting the needs of the communities we serve, and to inform the roll out of the Outreach Case Worker pilot to other communities and locations.
Budget Breakdown
Funding source | Amount |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $30,000 |
Expense item | Amount |
Salary + on costs | $25,500 |
Travel and expenses | $1,000 |
Venue hire and catering | $1,500 |
Equipment and combustables | $1,000 |
Marketing and promotion | $1,000 |
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