Our program aims to provide selected students from struggling families with up to $2,000 per annum to cover essential school expenditure. We primarily focus on students aged 15 and above – the age at which disengagement with education is highest – who have a desire to complete their education but are precluded from doing so ...
Enriching Lives Foundation
Student sponsorship to cover essential school expenditure

Field of Interest
- Civic engagement and leadership
- Education/training and employment
Target Population
- Young people (6-25)
- People experiencing socio-economic disadvantage or vulnerability

The Enriching Lives Foundation was established in the middle of 2022 by Renee Brescianini and Scott Clements. The Foundation has a mandate to give back locally to those experiencing disadvantage. Having just experienced the full process of educating their children across both the public and private school system, they saw a need to raise awareness and provide financial support to the many children who experience disadvantage in their education.
Our Vision: To enrich the lives of those in need to make life better and help access opportunities.
Our Purpose: To increase the engagement of young people with education by assisting to fund their journey and make a lasting impression on their lives.
The Sponsor a Student Program was researched and developed and a pilot program was implemented. The aim of the Program is to identify students at risk of disengage with education on the basis of their families’ financial struggle. The children are identified by the professional staff within each school who can accurately allocate funding to ensure an impact. Funding is provided only through the school and only for educational expenses. The measure of success is different for each student but can include increased attendance, improvement in results whether it be behaviour, effort and/or academic achievement, inclusion, general well being and mental health which can be measured by the case manager who can assess each student’s engagement with the school.
Project Summary
Our program aims to provide selected students from struggling families with up to $2,000 per annum to cover essential school expenditure. We primarily focus on students aged 15 and above – the age at which disengagement with education is highest – who have a desire to complete their education but are precluded from doing so due to living with disadvantage through no fault of their own. At least ten percent of Australian school kids – and 10-15% of Gold Coast students – struggle to cover education costs, including food.
Education is the pathway out of poverty and towards a fulfilling and productive life. Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Education is the key to eliminating gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, to preventing needless deaths and illness, and to fostering peace.
The program contributes to specific expenses that families must cover, such as meals, uniforms, shoes, stationery, technology devices, excursions, and school camps. Financial support may extend to extra-curricular activities where the student shows a strong desire or talent, such as music lessons, trade courses, technology or other agreed expenditure which will benefit their wellbeing and future aspirations. Payments for all items and services are managed by the schools, not the students or their families.
Project Outcomes
Program sustainability is tied to high school ATTENDANCE/EFFORT/BEHAVIOUR, reinforcing the commitment to EDUCATION and creating a pathway for positive, long-term EMPLOYMENT.
The Sponsor A Student program is different as the educators and well being co-ordinators at each school who KNOW the children and select those kids where the funds will make the best targeted impact on their personal future, and these funds are not deposited to the families, all funding is deposited to the school to pay for agreed educational costs.
Outcomes are the short to medium-term effects/changes that those products, programs, goods, services or achievements create for the individuals or communities involved. For example, a 20% increase in school attendance for students in the program; a 30% reduction in the incarceration rate of teenagers in troubled town; a 25% increase in completion of year 12 for students in participating schools; increased self-confidence reported by 90% of participants.
The funding for any diplomas will help give pathways for after school and assist in getting into university in the future as well as giving helpful knowledge and experience.
The funding would allow participation in more enriching experiences. Supply more than one uniform that doesn't have to be washed every night. It would also allow students to partake in the extra classes in 2025 and be included with with peers for camp.
Budget Breakdown
TOTAL BUDGET: $200,000
Funding source | Amount |
Corporate Grants & Fund Raising (confirmed) | $58,000 |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $142,000 |
Expense item | Amount |
Admin, marketing, events | $30,000 |
2025 roll out of Sponsor A Student Program to schools | $170,000 |
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