House of Welcome provides safe and stable accommodation to refugees and people seeking asylum, with wrap-around support to help them thrive in all aspects of their lives and to be informed of their rights under the Residential Tenancies Act. The Welcome Start Transitional Housing (WSTH) is a structured 12-month program for those who have no ...
House of Welcome
Welcome Start Transitional Housing for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum

Field of Interest
- Housing and homelessness
- Social inclusion and justice
Target Population
- Asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and people from CALD backgrounds
- People experiencing or at risk of homelessness

House of Welcome (HoW) is passionate about providing opportunities for refugees and people seeking asylum that enable self-determination, empowerment and participation in the community. HoW finds positive solutions to overcoming barriers for refugees and people seeking asylum by delivering employment, housing, skills building and community development programs. Wrap around support to enable self-efficacy includes the provision of safety and security through accommodation, financial and food distributions, and casework.
Project Summary
House of Welcome provides safe and stable accommodation to refugees and people seeking asylum, with wrap-around support to help them thrive in all aspects of their lives and to be informed of their rights under the Residential Tenancies Act.
The Welcome Start Transitional Housing (WSTH) is a structured 12-month program for those who have no access to traditional government and non-government supports such as emergency, social, public and affordable housing.
The program delivers an intensive and integrated model of support for clients as their protection claim is being processed. WSTH delivers wrap-around supports that include;
– stable transitional accommodation for a fixed term.
– client-led, co-designed case plans.
– support to address barriers to achieving identified goals.
– mentoring to build knowledge and awareness of Australian tenancy rights and responsibilities.
– support to explore pathways to financial and housing independence.
Clients work closely with the housing, casework and employment teams who assist with warm referrals to services related to legal, health, employment and education; employment mentoring, work placements and job-ready preparation; and a transition to future housing and accommodation.
In the last financial year, WSTH measured the following impactful outcomes:
– 511 individuals were supported with rent and maintaining tenancies
– 104 individuals supported per night in the WSTH program
– 31 individuals assisted with crisis accommodation
– 20 women who have experienced domestic and family violence participated in the WSTH program
– 18 properties managed in the WSTH program
They are seeking funding to continue to provide this vital service.
Project Outcomes
The Welcome Start Transitional Housing program has the following expected outcomes;
1. Housing opportunities for clients are maintained and grown
2. Housing stock meets Tenancy Act Standards
3. Clients access safe, appropriate and secure housing
4. Clients are empowered to achieve their goals including;
- increased wellbeing
- improved interpersonal relationships
- Improved community connections
5. Increased satisfaction in self-identified domain goals
6. Clients experience improved self-confidence/social contact/social engagement
Budget Breakdown
TOTAL BUDGET: $255,087
Funding source | Amount |
Volunteer Pro-bono | $6,500 |
Grants (confirmed) | $150,774 |
Funding gap (unconfirmed) | $97,813 |
Expense item | Amount |
Salaries - Housing Manager & Caseworker | $115,551 |
Housing maintenance, rents & utilities | $114,996 |
Emergency assistance such as food parcels and vouchers, GP visits and medication, Opal cards etc) | $10,000 |
Motor Vehicle Expenses | $3,350 |
IT & Communications | $4,690 |
Volunteer pro bono | $6,500 |
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